「Omimachi Croquette」 is located at the World Food Diamond in Shimo-Omimachi, Kanazawa City. It is highly rated on Tabelog and is known as 「Omimachi Croquette」 when it comes to croquettes in Kanazawa.
The video above is from 「Omimachi Ichiba」 and starts introducing Omimachi croquettes at about 1 minute 18 seconds.

Omimachi Croquette if you want to eat and walk around in Omimachi.
— オーイケ (@tykd_) May 24, 2021
夕方には半額セールをやってるみたいです。ぜひ行ってみたいですね。 pic.twitter.com/mwZVCQCJFR
— みず (@FMizunuma) January 14, 2017
大行列。種類たくさんある。タコのコロッケ食べ歩き。タコとジャガイモと、なんとワカメが入ってる。絶妙!#近江町コロッケ #金沢 #タココロッケ pic.twitter.com/QCR9xxKrfR
Of all the croquette shops in Omimachi Market, 「Omimachi Croquette」 is famous as a croquette shop that is recommended for eating and walking around. Some people actually enjoy eating and walking around. Why don’t you drop by when you visit Omi-machi Ichiba?
Does Omimachi Croquette have Omi beef or Noto beef croquettes?

Omemachi Croquettes offers many menu items as you can see in the display above.
Of course, fried Omi beef and Noto beef are also available. It seems to be a menchikatsu.
Omicho Korokke (Omicho Korokke) (also refer to map page)
A map of Omimachi Market is presented in the following page. If you are going to Omimachi Market, you may want to refer to the map from the link below and bookmark it.
Official Map of Omimachi Market
Store Name | Omicho Korokke |
Genre | Croquettes/Fried food, Tempura/Fried food (other) |
Address | 24 Shimo-Omi-machi, Kanazawa City |
Business hours | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |
Closed | No regular holidays |
Phone number | 076-232-0341 |
Related page | Official page |
Parking lot | No parking lot |