Here are some recommendations for distinctive Kanazawa ramen shops. There is only one restaurant that is counted as one of the 100 best restaurants in Tabelog. We also introduce the 100 best stores in Kanazawa.

What are the characteristics of Kanazawa ramen, and is 8-ban ramen the best?
— 発売中!『桃太郎電鉄 ~昭和 平成 令和も定番!~』公式アカウント (@MOMOTETSU_Reiwa) March 2, 2021
▼お店詳細▼https://t.co/xeWhiyxuiW#桃鉄令和 #桃鉄 pic.twitter.com/5bsXIKKUSE
今日の昼食は、金沢市の「8番らーめん 金沢駅店」で「8番セット」820円。野菜らーめん(塩)と餃子のセット。野菜の旨味がしっかり出たスープはやさしいお味。特徴のある縮れ太麺との相性ばっちり。たっぷりの野菜もシャキシャキでいい歯ごたえです。8の字ナルトの北陸三県のソウルフード頂きました! pic.twitter.com/UvJZVh6DIX
— kimurakun (@kimurakun88) August 28, 2019
Some people may say aloud 「8-ban Ramen」 when talking about a distinctive Kanazawa ramen store. There is also a 「Kokudo Ramen Shop」 in the game Momotaro Dentetsu. The 「8-ban Ramen」 is the model for Kokudo Ramen-ya. It is a very popular restaurant.
⇒Is 8-ban Ramen Kanazawa Ekimae Branch bad?
I used 「8-ban Ramen」 as an example, but there is no characteristic of Kanazawa ramen that can be described as 「this!」 There are no specific characteristics of Kanazawa ramen. Some people dare to describe the characteristics of Kanazawa ramen as follows.
- Healthy and natural ramen
- Ramen noodles with seafood unique to Hokuriku
As we dive deeper into these characteristics, we find that the characteristics of ramen shops that have become popular have been given.

The only Kanazawa ramen restaurant with a 100-mark on the Tabelog is 「Natural Ramen Kagura」!
— げんきち@ポンコツ (@StayGold0621) September 28, 2019
ご厚意により久しぶりの煮干しを手打ちMIXで🎵ビターな味わいながらも昆布の旨味が角を感じさせずに美味い❗雲呑も旨いがやはり手打ち麺😍多加水で手打ちの麺肌・弾力・食感に加え旨味が最高最幸❤️ pic.twitter.com/MdcIvMHFsc
The only Kanazawa ramen restaurant with a 100-mark on the Tabelog is 「Natural Ramen Kagura」!
Click here for a detailed article on 「Natural Ramen Kagura」.
Are 「Kagura」 and 「Noboru」 on the Michelin Guide?
— 皇帝ピーナツ (@emperorpeanuts) September 1, 2021
とっても優しい味😳 pic.twitter.com/ymlnAdkVn4
— 沙羅🌸 (@sara_hananoiro) September 10, 2016
ラーメンの中では私のベスト3位に入る。大阪の「人類みな麺類」より好きだった。 pic.twitter.com/frJs3EpNOH
The following two Kanazawa ramen stores were introduced in the special edition of the Michelin Guide Hokuriku 2021.
- Natural Ramen Kagura
- Homemade Noodle Noboru
These two restaurants are featured in the Michelin Guide. The homemade noodle Noboru is also featured in this article.
Kanazawa Ramen, 3 recommended restaurants with top ranking in Tabelog!
Natural Ramen Kagura

One of Kanazawa’s best 「Natural Ramen Kagura」. As mentioned above, it has been introduced in the Michelin Guide and is even included in the 100 best restaurants in the Tabelog.
「Natural Ramen Kagura」 is characterized by its homemade noodles in a broth made from 15 different kinds of soup stock, including seafood and chicken broth.
Menya Taiga

「Menya Taiga」 is positioned second in Kanazawa city in the evaluation of Tabelog. It is no exaggeration to say that 「Menya Taiga」 is the best miso ramen in Kanazawa. It is located in Horikawa-cho, about a 4-minute walk from the East Exit of Kanazawa Station.
Menya Fukuzo
【麺や 福座】西泉(金沢市)
— ドクロのらぁ麺王【麦まさ】 (@KaizokuoMa) December 14, 2021
超絶美味‼️🙏💥💯 pic.twitter.com/gTkqEBeXB0
No. 3 on the Tabelog is 「Menya Fukuzo」. This ramen restaurant was created by the owner of 「Ramen Fukuzo」, a popular ramen restaurant in Kyoto. The 「Oyster Ramen」 served at certain times of the year is especially popular.
Click here for a detailed article on Menya Fukuzo.
Summary of Kanazawa Ramen Characteristics
Kanazawa ramen is characterized by the impression that it is rich in nature and healthy. This article has introduced the following five popular restaurants.
- 8-ban ramen
- Natural ramen Kagura
- Homemade Noodle Noboru
- Menya Taiga
- Menya Fukuzo