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What are 「Sachiko Sakanazawa」 and 「Riitakun」 appealing on “Local Character Day”?【Kanazawa Topics】

May 11 is 「Local Character Day」. According to the Japan Local Character Association headquartered in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture, it is an official anniversary registered with the Anniversary Association. One (one?) of the local characters who tweeted on that anniversary using 「#GOTTOJIRA NO HI」 was 「Sachiko Sakanazawa」.

Sachiko Sakanazawa at a fish market overflowing with crabs (Image from 『Sachiko Sakanazawa』 Instagram)

What is Sachiko Sakanazawa?

Sachiko Sakanazawa, aka 「Sacchan」, is the official mascot character of 「Kanazawa Seafood」. She is a local character so familiar in Kanazawa that Antony and Momoko Baba, MC of the primetime wide program 『Zekkocho W』 (MRO Hokuriku Broadcasting Co., Ltd.), recognize her.

Sachiko Sakanazawa’s stuffed animal in 『Zekkocho W』 (image from 『Sachiko Sakanazawa』 Instagram)

In fact, when the Gotochi Characters Association called for people to promote May 11 by adding 「#Gotochi Chara no Hi」 to their tweets, Sakanazawa Sachiko did her part exactly.

If you see her, she wants you to call her 「Sacchan!」 when he sees you!

Other Kanazawa local characters like this…

Although he did not add 「#Local Character Day」, 「Riitan」 tweeted a picture he took at Oyama Shrine on May 11.

According to the website of the Local Character Association, 「Riitan」 is a character promoting Tatemachi, Kanazawa, and loves magic tricks, walking, and his hometown.

Although not as active as 「Sakanazawa Sachiko」 and 「Riitan」, the Kanazawa lumber mascot character 「Kanarin」 seems to be introducing activities and events related to the Kanazawa forest.

Although 「Hyakuman-san」 is displayed at Kanazawa Station, he is actually based on the motif of 「Kaga Hachiman Okiagari」, a local toy of Ishikawa Prefecture, and is a character that promotes traditional crafts and culture of Ishikawa with his whole body, so it seems he does not fit into the category of a local character of Kanazawa City.

Information on 『Umisachi Kanazawa』

Tuna and Sachiko Sakanazawa (Image from 『Sachiko Sakanazawa』 Instagram)

With Sachiko Sakanazawa as its official character, 『Umisachi Kanazawa』 certifies retailers that promote local production for local consumption to support Kanazawa producers as 「Umisachi
Kanazawa Dealers」.

For example, there is a certified store in Omimachi Market

Spot Name Oguchi Suisan Omimachi Ichiba
Location 38 Kami-Omi-machi, Kanazawa City
Phone number 076-263-4545
Related website 『Umisachi KanazawaHP
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