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Kanazawa’s super-delicious dumpling restaurant! 【Kanazawa Gourmet】


In fact, there is a gyoza restaurant in Kanazawa that is so large and so popular every day that it is said to be 「the largest gyoza restaurant in Japan」.

The name of the restaurant is 【The 7th Gyoza Restaurant】. Seventh means that it existed from the first to the seventh, but unfortunately, only the fifth to the seventh stores still remain today.

This time, we would like to introduce to you the very best dumplings in Kanazawa, known only to those in the know.

Proud of our white dumplings


The signature item on the menu is the popular “White Gyoza,” which is fried and baked in hot water and oil.

The skin is crispy but firm, and the inside is juicy and full of vegetables.

After eating one, you will not be able to stop eating.

From the outside, they look voluptuous and very tasty. ……

People line up every day to try their white dumplings (they do not accept reservations for seats).

The taste is so addictive even if you have to wait in line…just thinking about it makes my mouth salivate!

Yaki gyoza and steamed gyoza are also available.


Although fewer people order yaki-gyoza than white gyoza, it is said that connoisseurs order yaki-gyoza.

The savory aroma of spicy vegetables spreads to the nose and the filling is very satisfying.

The steamed gyoza is healthy and recommended for women because it is not fried in oil!

They all look insanely delicious☆


Store NameNo.7 Dumpling Shop
Address1-259, Morinosato 1-chome, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture
Telephone number076-261-0825
Business hoursFirst floor counter seating: 11:00-22:00 (last order 21:00)
Second floor paid seating: 11:00 – 21:00 (last order 20:00)
*As of August 2022, the restaurant is closed irregularly due to a shortage of employees.
The closure information is presented to Instagram users

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