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Kanazawa Maimon Sushi – Reservations Required? Conveyor belt sushi restaurant in Nishi-Shinmachi, the best restaurant! 【Kanazawa Gourmet】

「Kanazawa Maimon Sushi」 is particularly popular in Kanazawa. It is a restaurant with a reputation for quality that is hard to believe it is a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant. We have 17 stores across the country.

まるさん maru
Some of the sushi looks amazingly good in the video above♪ a store you will definitely want to visit.

Is it possible to make a reservation at Kanazawa Maimon Sushi Honten?

Reservations at Kanazawa Maimon Sushi Main Restaurant can be made in advance using EPARK. Take-out is also available for those who want to eat without waiting or want take-out. The link to the reservation page is attached below. Since there may be a line, it is advisable to make a reservation when you visit the restaurant.

Kanazawa Maimon Sushi Main Store Reservation Page

Which is more attractive, Kanazawa Maimon Sushi or Sushiro?

The majority of people evaluated Kanazawa Maimon Sushi compared to Sushiro! In conclusion,

Kanazawa Maimon Sushi has better taste and Sushiro is cheaper! The conclusion is that Kanazawa Maimon Sushi is better in taste, but Sushiro is cheaper! 

Some people go to Kanazawa Maimon Sushi for special occasions. Here is a summary of the reviews comparing Kanazawa Maimon Sushi and Sushiro.

  • Kanazawa Maimon Sushi is more expensive than Sushiro, but it is fresh and very tasty!
  • Once you try Kanazawa Maimon Sushi, you will never go back to Sushiro!
  • Kanazawa Maimon Sushi’s Nodoguro is delicious!
  • The Engawa at Kanazawa Maimon Sushi is too good!
I usually go to Sushiro. Many people might go to Kanazawa Maimon Sushi for special occasions when they want to go rich!


Both are sister restaurants, Uoshoan and Kanazawa Katsuzo, and share a parking lot with these stores.

Store NameKanazawa Maimon Sushi Main Store
GenreConveyor-belt sushi
Address3-20-7 Eki-Nishi-Shinmachi, Kanazawa City
Business hours11:00 – 21:30
Telephone number0120-611-488
Seating capacity77 seats
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まるさん maru
For rich conveyor-belt sushi, I’d love to go to the Kanazawa Maimon Sushi head office!
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