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Shaved ice from a shaved ice specialty store☆【Kanazawa Gourmet】


There are several shaved ice shops in Kanazawa, but this time we would like to introduce “Kooriya Hyotan”!

Opened in June 2021, this shaved ice store is still in its infancy.

In fact, this store is renting a space in the Fujie-kita izakaya 「Toribia~no Fujie」 for lunch only.

However, do not underestimate the fact that it is a borrowed shop. The shaved ice here is made with the utmost care, carefully studying homemade syrups and ice shaving conditions!

☆Ice with a special flavor☆


The way ice is aerated and melted depends on the temperature and humidity.

The ice used for shaved ice is made with as few impurities as possible, so that the original flavor of the ice can be enjoyed without any unwanted taste☆.

Efforts are also made in unseen places to shave the ice so that it tastes good and is clean!


This year’s menu includes strawberry, mango, black sesame, and peach shaved ice.

Please enjoy the shaved ice made with the utmost care by “Kooriya Hyokan” and feel the texture of the ice, how it melts, and how it tastes.

Thank you very much for reading today**


Store NameShaved ice specialty store*Kooriya Hyokan*
Address1-400 Fujie Kita, Kanazawa City
Telephone numberNot open to the public
Business hours11:30 – 16:30 (LO. 16:00)
ClosedMondays, Tuesdays, and irregular holidays

☆Recommended Kanazawa Gourmet☆

The TV hit, “It won’t melt! Mysterious shaved ice!”⇒【Kanazawa ice】

Taiwanese tea and handmade, additive-free crepes☆⇒【Chanokikanazawa】

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