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「21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa」 in Hirosaka is the best place when you want tranquility in your mind 【Kanazawa Meisho】

There are many things that happen in life, and there are times when our hearts get bogged down or stuck.

At such times, I think the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa is a great place to visit.

The concept is 「a museum like a park open to the town」

Hands-on exhibit. Pools without water.

A white, round building nicknamed 「Marubii」 by Kanazawa children. It is surrounded by objects that can be touched and played with. This is a spot where visitors can spend a peaceful time even though it is located in the center of Kanazawa.

The building is divided into two zones: the 「Exhibition Zone」, where exhibitions are held for a fee, and the 「Interaction Zone」, where museum stores, restaurants, a kids’ room, and plazas around the museum are free.

The exhibitions showcasing the works of artists of various genres are well worth seeing, and the free area alone is more than enough to enjoy. The free area alone is more than enough for visitors to enjoy.

The area around the museum is also very relaxing, with lawns, surrounded by greenery and flowers.

Places of Interest

name21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa
open hoursExhibition Zone: 10:00-18:00 (until 20:00 on Fridays and Saturdays)
Exchange Zone: 9:00-22:00
*Some hours may be shortened
closing dayExhibition Zone:Every Monday (or the following weekday if the Monday is a national holiday), Year-end and New Year holidays
Interaction Zone: Year-end and New Year holidays
Address1-2-1, Hirosaka, Kanazawa City
Phone number076-220-2800
Related InformationOfficial site
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